Erase the Past Using Scar Removal with Dermal Fillers

Scars can be an unwanted reminder of the past. However, Dermal fillers at the Nulook Medspa can help reduce the appearance of scars. Scar Removal with Dermal Fillers is not to be confused with BOTOX, though both Dermal fillers and BOTOX can be used in combination for treatments. Fillers reduce the appearance of scars by filling in creases without causing unwanted lines.

Nulook Medspa offers treatments with different types of fillers such as Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Collagen, Fortelis, and Hyaluronic Acid. These are bio-degradable and therefore non-permanent as these are natural substances that can already be found in the body. Hyaluronic acid gives the skin volume and helps with joint elasticity and shaping the eyes. This particular acid is similar to sugar made in the lab without any animal sources. Calcium Hydroxylapatite or Radiesse boosts your body's production of collagen. This calcium based filler can last for about a year, but also naturally degrades in the body.

These fillers contain NASHA gel particles, which are customized for the treatment and area of the body for scar removal with dermal fillers. These gels form a molecular, three-dimensional network to allow oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to circulate through the body. Water replaces the gel as it breaks down, maintaining the filler volume for maximized scar removal. The gel passes through the body unnoticed until it has completely degraded.

Treatments at Nulook Medspa are made to be as painless as possible. Scar Removal fillers include using ice or local anesthetic cream for a more comfortable injection. Fillers are natural and safe for patients who do not have severe allergies, are pregnant, or under the age of eighteen. Pre-treatment procedure encourages patients to avoid consuming alcohol twenty-four to forty-eight hours in advance. Red wine is to be avoided for a week before treatment. Patients should also abstain from anti-inflammatory drugs in order to reduce the risk of swelling or bruising in the treatment areas.

The filler post-treatment self-care procedure warns that patients may experience swelling or itching that should resolve in less than a week. Using a cold compress immediately after treatment will help reduce swelling. Avoid contact with the treatment area for six hours, after which, can be washed gently. Patients must reduce motion utilizing the treatment area in order for the fillers to settle. The full pre and post treatment lists are available here.

Say goodbye to your scars today with the customized and caring treatment plans available at Nulook Medspa for a more youthful and beautiful you!