Most people have heard of chemical skin peels. There is the skin peeling that is desired and the type that is irritating and unnecessary. Review the main reasons why the skin on your face and body is peeling. Then, know the solutions available at Nulook Medspa in Toronto to help you treat this problem.

Dry Skin
Dry skin occurs to anyone. The most severe case results in peeling that is usually resolved by simply applying moisturizer. There are special remedies, creams and lotions that are made for individuals who have chronic dry skin.

Eczema is a type of skin inflammation that causes redness, peeling and itchiness. It resembles a rash that may occur in patches on the face, hands, arms or other parts of the body. The long-term effects without treatment include thickened skin and infections.

Other Skin Conditions
There are certain conditions that cause flaky skin, such as athlete's foot, hyperhidrosis, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and Kawasaki disease. Some diseases are genetic while others are caused by exposure to environmental elements. Dry, peeling skin may be caused by excessive heat, wind and humidity, but in many cases, this problem can be reversed.

Topical Agents
Harsh topical agents, such as gels and ointments, can cause skin peeling, even when used correctly. This is a normal, desired effect when using exfoliants and retinoids. Some chemicals are prescribed by dermatologists to treat acne. If peeling is not expected with usage, discontinue using the topical agent right away.

Prevention Tips
The first step is to keep the skin properly hydrated and moisturized. Dry skin is the main culprit for peeling, but it can be cured easily. Apply oil if the dryness is more severe. The problem could be internal and linked to your diet. Continue taking medications related to any skin condition, and consider visiting us at Nulook Medspa in Toronto for treatment.

Peeling skin is always dry, itchy, red and irritating to deal with. The skin comes off in flakes like dandruff, and in general, interferes with your daily life. If this problem covers a great deal of your skin, it's time to skip the lotions and contact a skincare professional. When you're ready for an effective treatment, contact us to schedule an appointment at Nulook Medspa in Toronto.