Dark circles beneath the eyes, also known as the tear trough area, can suddenly appear out of nowhere, which may leave one feeling uncomfortable or insecure. Dark circles, which often are accompanied by puffiness or bags, can make you look and feel older than you are. Today, we will take a look at some of the most common causes of dark circles and how to treat them.

Causes of Dark Circles
While extreme fatigue may be one of the top causes of the appearance of dark circles underneath the eyes, believe it or not, oversleeping can also contribute to this condition. Similar to the effects of sleep deprivation, oversleeping can lead to an accumulation of fluid underneath your eyes and entire your face.

Allergies are another common cause of dark circles, especially eye dryness. Histamines are released when you experience an allergic reaction, which causes your blood vessels to dilate. These dilated vessels become visible beneath your skin, causing dark circles and puffiness underneath your eyes. Other common causes of dark circles include:

• Age
• Eyestrain
• Dehydration
• Overexposure to the sun
• Genetics

Temporary and At-Home Treatments
If you are experiencing dark circles under your eyes, you may first try some at-home methods to home. Firstly, assure that you are getting enough sleep every night. Furthermore, make sure you are not over sleeping by setting an alarm every morning. For a simple and relaxing remedy, put cucumber slices under your eyes to reduce puffiness and enjoy the hydrating benefits. Ensure you are consuming enough water daily and eat well balanced meals filled with fruits and vegetables. When dark circles do not reduce with at-home remedies, your next option is visiting us at Nulook Medspa in Toronto for more effective solutions - such as under eye filler. 

Medical Treatment and Types of Fillers
At Nulook Medspa, located in Toronto, we provide an effective solution to combating this condition using fillers. Different types of fillers can help reduce dark circles. Restylane, Esthelis, and Juvederm are hyaluronic acid-based treatment options, a substance naturally produced by the body, that will help alleviate dark circles while also making the tear trough brighter and plumper for a rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

While dark circles may be temporary effects for some individuals, others have dealt with them their entire lives. When temporary remedies have been exhausted, consider a more long-term solution. Visit us at Nulook Medspa in Toronto to discuss dermal filler options. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.