With Belkyra treatment in Toronto becoming increasingly popular, this injectable treatment can permanently destroy fat cells underneath your chin. Regardless of diet or exercise, genetics make it nearly impossible for some people to remove stubborn fat from under their jawline. Belkyra is non-invasive and has minimal side effects.

How to Reduce your Double Chin with Belkyra
Belkyra is an injection meant to reduce or eliminate a “double chin” in both men and women. It takes only fifteen to twenty minutes in each in-office session for a treatment. Treatment is tailored to your needs and many people experience aesthetic improvements in as few as two treatments.

Injection sites are catered to each patient’s anatomy with more prominent double chins requiring more sessions. The product is administered every four weeks with no more than six total treatments or until you achieve the results you are looking for.

Benefits of Belkyra
By targeting fat cells, Belkyra destroys the fat cells upon injection using a synthesized deoxycholic acid. The compound breaks down the fat in your double chin which is then absorbed by the body and excreted. Deoxycholic acid is found as a natural chemical in the body and helps with the absorption of the bodies fats. The injection zone is marked out using each patient's own chin and jawline as a guide for where the medication will be injected. Belkyra treatment in Toronto at Nulook Medspa provides an effective alternative for those who do not wish to have an invasive surgery to reduce their double chin.

Other Information about Belkyra
While effects vary from patient to patient, side effects typically include mild swelling and discomfort. This can be helped with ice and pain medication available over the counter. Pain, redness, bruising, numbness, swelling, tingling, and itching are other common side effects.

It can be exhausting trying to get rid of your double chin and not seeing solutions. However, Belkyra may be the solution you've been looking for. Visit Nulook Medspa, located in Toronto, to start your Belkyra treatments. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

During the month of August (2020), receive a Level # 1 - Package of 2 Belkyra Treatments for only $2000 (valued
at $2400)!