When you are making the decision to have procedures done to enhance your appearance, it is important to have a clear understanding about what is going to happen so that you can make an informed consent. Having a clear understanding about enhancement procedures can help in making your journey an authentic one.

Dermal fillers are used to fill in creases of the lips, cheekbones, and may also be used to fill out deformities from acne scarring. Fillers are not the same as BOTOX, which is used to treat unwanted facial lines that can result from facial expressions or aging. Fillers and BOTOX can be used simultaneously to treat very deep lines and wrinkles that can occur around the lips.

For those who are seeking to achieve a natural and more attractive appearance to their lips at a medical spa in Toronto, Nulook MedSpa is a premiere provider for this type of service.

At Nulook MedSpa, patients who are specifically seeking dermal filler for the lips are counseled on how this procedure is performed. There are certain factors that must be taken into consideration. In order to achieve a natural, beautiful result, you will be informed about a number of items including:

• Good ratio.
• The appropriate filler.
• Amount of filler.
• Appropriate filler to inject for the desired result.

You can rest assured that the providers at Nulook MedSpa are experts in this particular field of cosmetic enhancement who have received extensive training so that they are able to provide their clients with the beautiful, natural results that they desire. Dr. Rajesh Mohan is a renowned family physician and cosmetic laser physician. He is the founder of Nulook MedSpa. Dr. Mohan is a member of the Canadian Association of Aesthetic Medicine, and has completed a clinical residency in neurosurgery and an internship at the University of Toronto.

Once you have made your decision to have your procedure, contact Nulook MedSpa to book an appointment today so that we can assist you in achieving the beautiful, natural look that you deserve.